ABOVE (left to right): Event Volunteers Lions
Ralph O'Hara, Bruce Diso, Chair Joe Ksenich,
Co-chair Dan Asensio, Tim Lombardi, Glenn Owen.
The District 13B Bowling Tournament was held on Sunday February 10 at Rebman's Recreation Center in Lorain. First Place team was Savannah Lions Club with 3,310. The individual high series was earned by Lion Bill Dignin of the Ashland Evening Lions with a score of 783. The individual high game winner was Lorain Lion Dave Meadows who bowled a 298. Congratulations to all these winners and many thanks to the Lions Clubs participating!
Lion President Doug Kayle and Lion Rich Foil watch as the games begin! |
Lion Ralph O'Hara and Joe Ksenich check out the door prize table. There was something for almost everyone! |
Lions Kim Worden and Tim Lombardi check registrations after the last minute rush of District Lions signed in. |
Lorain Lions fielded three teams. |
LaGrange Lion Tim Buckley won one of the strike jackpots and was very happy! |
Our own Lion Dave Meadows had the high score of the day--298! Way to go Lion Dave! |
The Lorain High School Leo Club joined us for a fun afternoon of bowling. Thanks to advisor Mary Jo Ferguson for making it possible. |
District Governor Woody Conrad was still smiling after missing a chance at the strike jackpot. |
Lion Joe helps Zone 2 Chairman Greg Swartz find the door prize of his choice. |
LaGrange Lion team member Kathy Smith steps up for a chance at the strike jackpot. |
LaGrange Lion Jeff Thompson picks up the 50/50 pot he won--$165! |
Door prizes. . . . |
. . . .and more door prizes. . . . |
. . . .and more door prizes |
I would say, we had some door prizes! |
. . . .and more! |
Lion Rich Marcucci looking at the selection . . . of door prizes! |
Yup, it's another door prize! Congrats, Kathy Smith of LaGrange! |
Lion Dave Meadows had a good day-- a 298 and a . . . you guessed it--a door prize! Christine Buckley of LaGrange won a door prize, too. |
Lion Joe was busy--how many months did it take to round up all those prizes? |
Congratulations Lion Doug and Lion Tammy (hmm, was that the oil change or the Kiedrowski's donuts?) |
Christine Buckley was the winner of the money tree, and her husband, Lion Tim, is there to make sure the money goes to a good cause! |
Lion Randy Hanlon of the Ontario Lions won the bowling carrier/case. |
LaGrange Lion Noel Fox won the $50.00 Target gift card. |
Lion Walt Gilmore of the Ashland Evening Lions won the $50.00 savings bond. |
Our own Lion Dan Smith won the blender. |
Lion Dave Meadows won a Wine and Chocolate gift basket. |
Ontario Lion Ray Swanson won the Lighthouse painting |
George Kussai, who bowled with the Lorain Lions, won a wine and cracker gift basket |
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