Friday, May 29, 2015

Jeff Neal Updates Lions on Lorain Palace and Downtown Lorain Development

Jeff Neal, President of the Lorain Palace Theater Board of Trustees, spoke to the Lions on Thursday, May 28.  He talked about changes in the management of the Palace, the efforts to re-invigorate the development of the downtown business district and the promising new events and activities that are beginning to  transform the district into an "Ohio City" type area.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Lions Beautify Elmwood Cemetery for Pride Day 2015

Lorain Lions Barry Buck and Rich Foil spread mulch and plant flowers at Elmwood Cemetery on Saturday, May 16 for the Lorain Lions Pride Day service project.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

FireFish 2015 Update from Director Joan Perch

Joan Perch of Lorain County Community College Art Department discussed the "Follow the Fish" Arts events coming up in Lorain County at the May 14 Lions luncheon.  Above she displays the poster advertising "FireFish 2015: a Festival of Art, Fire and Water" scheduled for Friday and Saturday, September 25 and 26.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Lorain Lions Spring Pancake Breakfast Raises Funds for Sight

ABOVE:  Lion helper Nathanial presents the $400.00 50/50 raffle prize to winner Paul Muzik of Amherst.
ABOVE:  Darryl Tucker, Editor of The Morning Journal (left) and Joanne Eldridge, Director of the Lorain Public Library System, get ready to enjoy some awesome pancakes and sausage.
Lion Bruce Bevan serves some early birds at the opening on Sunday morning.  Lion Bruce started the Lions Pancake Breakfast over 20 years ago--little did he know how it would grow!

Lion Mark Worden (left) and Bruce Diso (right) work hard to keep up with "second helping" orders of pancakes and sausage.
The coffee, juice, milk, tea and what have you team:  Left to right:  Lions Glenn Owen, Tom Bruno and Bob Pastor.

From left to right:  Lions Gary Koepp, Tom Sigman, Tim Lombardi and Rich Marcucci.

Our all-star grill masters prepare perfect sausages, a highly sought after item on the breakfast menu.

Lion Jean Lee (sitting) sells raffle tickets for the "Money Tree", always a popular raffle at the breakfast, while Breakfast Chairman Lion Rich  Foil assists.

Lion Dorothy McGuire works at the bake sale table, another popular part of the breakfast.

Lion Ralph O'Hara, co-chair of the spring flower sale, shows off some of the beautiful hanging baskets that only cost $16.00 each--and the proceeds support the Lorain Lions Club's eye exams and eyeglasses for the needy project!

Lion Tom Sigman (left) and Lion Gary Koepp (center) have a fine-tuned system to put out tray orders in rapid fashion.

Lion Mark Worden (center) with two friends attending the breakfast.

Lion Tammy Tansey at the bake sale tables.

Lion President Kim Worden (center) and Lion 1st VP Frank Csubak guide a Lions supporter into the IAV hall for an unforgettable breakfast.

Can't beat the aroma of those grilling sausages.

Lion Ed Baker assists Lion John Smith unloading the bags of charcoal used by the two immense grills that are needed to keep the sausages coming for the crowds of attendees.

ABOVE:  50/50 Raffle Winner Paul Muzik (left) with Lorain Lions Pancake Breakfast Committee Chairman, Rich Foil.
ABOVE:  Lion Tammy Tansey presents the Money Tree winnings to Kathy Turner.  Thanks again to all who supported the Lorain Lions Pancake Breakfast!